About Us

Established in 1995, Bespoke Formwork, until recently traded as Ezytube.
The Ezytube product and brand is the leading Australian column forming tube and has been used extensively across building and construction sites, Australia-wide. In 2018, Ezytube was acquired by Sonoco Australia PTY LTD. After this, Kevin and his team continued their relationship with Ezytube plus adding more expertise and breadth to the Bespoke Formwork brand.
Continuing Kevin’s track record
... of delivering and establishing innovative formwork solutions, Bespoke Formwork still has a complementary role with Sonoco in support of the Ezytube product range. Bespoke can also offer a range of more complex innovative formwork solutions right across Australia. Bespoke creates custom mouldings beyond what can be achieved by using tube forms.

Kevin – Founder Bespoke Formwork
Kevin first built his own construction business in 1988. Kevin has worked as a specialised contractor installing Polyurethane Foam and specialist coatings for industrial floors and roofs. In 1995, Kevin co-founded Ezytube (formerly CernTube)and continued his role as Managing Director, Co-Inventor, and Patent holder of the Ezytube business and product line, until its acquisition by Sonoco Australia in 2018.
With over 38 years of experience, Kevin is an expert in his craft and built Bespoke Formwork with the industry in mind. He knows what is needed to make formwork easy and is now investing time in Bespoke to deliver Innovative Formwork solutions from concept to completion.
Team - Bespoke Formwork
Bespoke Formwork is a team build on expertise and understanding. We have an in-house specialised manufacturing team with several key employees with over ten years of employment with the company. During the development of products, services, and innovation over the years, our employees and management have developed a high competency in creating complex-shaped formwork mouldings that will achieve a high-quality product for any concrete structure.
As well as our team, Bespoke has developed a specialised and extensive network of key suppliers that we work with closely to ensure an extensive range of specialist manufacturing capabilities.